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          戀上波希米亞~東歐金三角經典之旅(二)匈牙利~蒂豪尼半島 婚禮佈置 巴拉頓湖~中歐最大淡水?酒店經紀?
在匈牙利中 花蓮民宿部,布達佩斯西南約90公里處,有一個中西歐最大的湖泊~巴拉頓湖. 長灘島 因為匈牙利是個內陸國家,人們便把跟大海一樣藍色的巴拉頓湖,稱之為?苗栗旅遊? 巴拉頓湖從西南到東北,把流經匈牙利的多瑙河一分為二. 保濕面膜 蔚藍色的湖水和豐美的水草,以及到了金秋時節湖邊墜著一串串葡萄的葡萄樹, 把整個巴拉頓湖?室內裝潢M蒂豪尼半島打扮得恬靜美麗.風情萬種呢! 一叢叢的蘆葦和芒草,搖曳在碧綠的湖岸. 膠原蛋白 在低溫的秋末時節,卻是風和日麗,遠看海鳥盤旋,碧波盪漾.                 找房子;                             反倒是覺得像幅海濱風景畫 褐藻醣膠呢!  .

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          衝鋒槍掃射工寮1傷 險搶走百萬 更新日期:2009/11/14 22:17 高雄縣旗山鎮的工寮發生槍擊案!兩方人 房屋貸款馬疑似因為工 酒店工作作糾紛,十幾名歹徒分持好幾把槍 澎湖民宿,其中還有一把是衝鋒槍,闖進工寮,將一名駱姓男子開槍打 開幕活動傷,還差點搶走一百多萬。 員警東找西找,在草叢裡要尋找彈殼,槍擊的現場拉起 永慶房屋了黃色封鎖線,這裡就是發生開槍意外的地方,有一名駱姓男子原本在這個工寮休息,沒想到突然來十幾名歹?居酒屋{持槍威脅,歹徒衝進工寮後就直接亮出槍枝,本來以為是要搶錢,但是卻發現對方硬要他上車,駱姓男子當然不肯屈服,當場就遭 租辦公室到十幾個歹徒圍毆,還有人拿槍射傷膝蓋,駱姓男子當時身上有一百三十幾萬現金,對方一毛都沒有拿,受害者的弟弟猜測,可能是工作的糾紛引發衝突, 房屋出租還好送醫急救後已經沒有大礙,目前警方正全力追緝歹徒行蹤。(完整影音新聞請見:http://news.cts.com.tw/cts/society/200911/200911140344758.html) 取自>http://tw. 租屋網news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/091114/69/1uz41.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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          因應犬齡老化 日本狗狗捐血 更新日期:2009/06/24 18:01 很多人都有捐血的經驗,但您知道狗狗也 東森房屋">永慶房 台灣房屋屋可以捐血嗎?為了因應日本寵 看房子物狗平均年齡逐漸老化的問題,日本動物高度醫療中心邀請飼主帶著愛犬來 新成屋捐血,結果得到了熱烈迴響。 德國狼犬「金次郎」在主人的帶領下走進醫院,但是他可沒有生病,這次來看醫生?廬山住宿O為了響應寵物狗捐血活動,原來日本的寵物狗也跟人一樣,出現人口老化的現象,而年紀越大,身體的毛病就越多,不少飼主的愛犬就這樣上了手術 廬山飯店台,問題是,狗並沒有專用血庫。 事實上,狗的血型有13種之多,比人類還要複雜,而且捐血一次就得抽200CC,只有中大型犬才能負荷得了,再加上捐出來的血?廬山溫泉u能存放1個月,想建立完整的血庫並不簡單。 俗話說,狗是人類最好的朋友,為了讓愛犬能夠長久陪伴在身邊,相信日本的飼主應該會積極參與,多多捐血。(民視新聞李漢威綜合報導) 花蓮旅遊 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090624/11/1ltx1.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮民宿  .

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          2役男釣鱸鰻 撿手機雙溺斃 更新日期:2009/06/11 07:01 廖肇祥/南投報導 現役軍人陳傳憲與張裕揚,趁休假相偕至南投縣中寮鄉 濾桶一處偏僻野溪釣魚,九日收假日仍?G2000憚藀^營區,家屬覺得有異搜尋,十日屍體浮出水面被廣 室內裝潢福村民發現。由於陳男生前曾告知家屬手機落水,警方研判兩人可能為了撿拾 買屋手機而溺斃。 陳傳憲家屬接到警方通知,在中寮分駐所痛哭失聲:「我勸他不要撿手機,電話掛斷後,就聯 信用貸款絡不上,沒想到再見面時,卻是要替他收屍」。 事發地點位於中寮溪集水區鹿寮坑野溪,傳說中常有大鱸鰻出沒,陳傳憲(廿歲,名間 西裝鄉人)、張裕揚(廿歲,名間鄉人)可能聽說釣況不錯,兩人相偕分騎機車前往。 警方指出,八日廣福村農民,即發現有兩台外地來的機車停在水潭邊, 居酒屋因事發地常有釣客,不以為意,十日發現機車無人移動,且岸邊有兩隻釣竿、魚簍及霹靂腰包等工具,覺得不太妙,乃沿岸搜尋,近午時分發現一具屍體載浮載沉,遂向警方報案,過沒多久 烤肉第二具屍體也浮出水面。 警方從岸邊有滑倒痕跡、陳男左臉擦傷等跡象研判,有可能是陳男心有不甘下水撿手機而失足,張男見狀跳水搭救,因誤判潭水深度與暗流,兩人雙雙溺斃;但由於無目擊者,案發原 有巢氏房屋因須更進一步勘驗。 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090611/4/1l28i.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 會場佈置  .

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          愛犬搭高鐵違規拍照 Selina道歉:下次不會再犯 更新日期:2009/04/08 15:57 影劇 小型辦公室an>中心/ 代償綜合報導 女子團體S.H.E成員之一S 591 elina,上個月帶愛犬pinky搭高鐵到高雄,事後在部落格上張貼 景觀設計愛狗pinky在座位上憑窗眺望風景的照片,遭民眾質疑違反乘客帶寵物搭乘高鐵的規定。 S 九份民宿elina和Hebe都有一隻可愛的紅貴賓,Selina幫狗狗取名pinky,在上個月搭高鐵到新竹,pinky居然坐在高鐵車廂的?新成屋y位拿著高鐵車票,或是踩著窗戶邊凝視窗外,放在pinky的專屬部落格,照片很可愛,但是Selina犯規了唷! 因為高鐵有明文規定, 澎湖民宿寵物要安置在規定大小的容器當中,必須放在座位底下,違者要出高鐵站還有罰款。事後,Selina表示對規定不知情,坦白表示是朋友趁她睡著把pinky從袋中抓?個人信貸X來拍照,以後一定讓pinky待在袋子中,不會再有錯誤示範。(新聞來源:東森新聞) 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090408/17/1hhcf.html(此原出處已無效) 關鍵字排名  .

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          矛盾浮現 中縣負債 中市的10倍 更新日期:2009/04/05 04:09 〔記者唐在馨/台中報導〕地制法修正案通過,台中市、縣政府將共同擬定計畫書送縣市議會,據透露,「財產」 信用貸款將成為最大的矛盾點,依審計單位計算,到九十六年底,台中市財產總值比台中縣多了一 室內設計千一百億元以上,而台中縣負債額度達五百二十一億元,是台中市五十二億負債的十倍。 由於中央沒打算為台中 租房子縣的債務問題解套,要求由未來直轄市負責處理,據了解,已有台中市議員在討論,「這個案子過了,怎麼跟台中市民交代」? 而縣 帛琉市合併後,馬上面臨的還有一個問題,如依規劃在民國九十九年十二月二十五日合併改制,在此之前,兩縣市仍為各自獨立的實體,民國一百年的「台中直 酒店打工轄市」預算,應該由誰編列?直轄市應在哪裡辦公?加上員額調整、單位整併等,千頭萬緒,困難重重。 根據先前市府送中市議會的升格改制報告書指出,到民國九十六年底,審計 租辦公室單位依土地、土地改良物、房屋建築及設備、有價證券及權利…等共八項計算,台中縣的土地雖比台中市多三千七百八十八公頃,但台中市的土地價值比台中縣多了七百九十四億餘元;而八項財產?永慶房屋姿滮U來,台中市的財產比台中縣包含各鄉鎮,整整多了一千一百一十八億餘元。 至於負債,到九十六年底的決算,台中縣負債五百二十一億餘元,台中市負債額度約五十二億餘元,有議員擔心,現已是九十八年,台中縣的?九份民宿t債額度恐已超過六百億元,台中市雖舉債五十二億,但官員透露,基金定存及現金加起來超過二百億,與台中縣比起來,台中市的財務狀況真是「健全得不得了」。 市府官員則強調,台中縣的土地極具開發價值,加上都會化的發展,升格後一定可以 酒店工作彌平財務缺口,化解大家的疑慮。 取自>http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090405/78/1ha6v.html(此原出處網址已無效) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 宜蘭民宿  .

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          無人武器的道德性與社會衝擊 【Comment】 There are debates in western semi sphere on the morality of using unmanned military combat weapons in war. Does how to kill matter? Obviously, it does. But why it matters? The point may rest; 1. The risk is unbalance. The party that uses unmanned weapons does not fear to be killed or harmed. Their counterpart is the only party to get hurt and die. It is unfair. And if it is unfair, the unmanned weapons should not be used and it is not war. 2. Those who fear nothing of hurt and death tend to kill more and with fun. Killing is no more than a motion picture. Large scale bombing of WWII, espec 賣房子ially the case of Enola Gay, has given us an example of what the remote killings may affect the ones who did it. It seems no Chinese society is interesting in or even aware of this. 為何會有此議題?同樣是殺人,怎樣殺有差別嗎?顯然是有的。 思考可能集中在: 1. 風險不對等:使用無人軍事武器這方,不怕死,而死的必然是被攻擊方。這是否為傳統「戰爭」的現代化呈現?或是另一這是騎士精神的影響。 2. 無感覺:因為殺人在千里萬里之外,所以生命的消逝與痛苦只是影像,甚至於只是電影片段,從而因易越過戰爭法的習慣界線而流於殘忍,甚至是樂趣。還有可能就是因為自己不會受傷,而輕率 結婚西裝開火? 這讓我們想到Enola Gay。 美國以無人飛機發動攻擊作法遭質疑●路透社(2010.10.23) (路透紐約聯合國總部22日電)聯合國調查人員今天呼籲這個世界組織,成立委員會研究無人軍事武器是否道德與合法,這顯然是指美國用來攻擊疑似伊斯蘭激進份子的無人飛機。 聯合國負責追查法外處決事件的特別調查員海因斯(Christ of Heyns),在提交聯合國大會人權委員會的報告中說,這類武器系統令人「嚴重關切,因為幾乎完全未經人權和人道人士檢視」。 他表示:「對於發展致命機器人技術在法律、政治、道德和倫理上的影響,國際社會急須正視。」 這是聯合國今年第二次提起這個問題。6月間,海因斯之前的調查員艾斯頓(Philip 酒店打工Alston)也曾呼籲,美國中央情報局(CIA)指揮無人飛機攻擊阿富汗與巴基斯坦境內蓋達組織(al Qaeda)和塔利班(Taliban)可疑份子的行動應該停止,因為這種由遠離戰場處下令進行的殺人行動,可能造成像打電玩的心態。中央社(翻譯) http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101023/16/2fj4t.html UNMANNED COMBAT AERIAL VEHICLES: EXAMINING THE POLITICAL, MORAL, AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS ABSTRACT There will likely be political, moral, and social implications of UCAV employment that strategists and military commanders will need to pay attention to as they craft strategies for future conflict. UCAVs are a very appealing op 澎湖民宿tion for the politician faced with use-of-force decisions due to reduced forward basing requirements and the possibility of zero friendly operator casualties. The flexibility of the weapon system offers the politician a seemingly high degree of control over the process of war. Together, these advantages may make a politician more inclined to use force first rather than last. In the moral realm, UCAVs are neither immoral nor illegal simply because risk to one of the combatants is removed. Additionally, notions of chivalry and fairness are not good standards by which to judge this technology. The social impact of widespr 節能燈具ead UCAV employment on the operator is an area of further concern. Remote-control war, however, does not change the underlying assumptions that have been the basis for the military ethos in the past. The final chapter highlights the dynamic between political, moral, and social issues as it addresses a range of possible unintended consequences resulting from extensive UCAV employment. Ultimately, the purpose of this thesis is to provide strategists greater clarity on the political, moral, and social issues surrounding UCAV employment. Doing so allows them to more effectively address, both objectively and subjectively, the implications of this new 西裝technology. http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?Location=U2&doc=GetTRDoc.pdf&AD=ADA476987 The Future Of Unmanned Combat Aircrafts●RealMilitaryNetwork The age of manned aircraft may be nearing its end. With the rapid emergence and acceptance of droid pilots, as well as hundreds of fighter pilots being assigned to operating the Predator and Reaper UAVS, the prospect of human combat pilots is dwindling. The U.S. Air Force is having problems with morale in regards to pilots. With the decision of the transfer of one hundred newly-graduated pilots a year from flight school to UAV duty, the morale 當鋪of new combat pilots is sinking. To help with the issue, the Air Force is considering changing the term UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) to RPV (remotely piloted vehicles) in order to stress that a pilot is still involved in the control of the aircraft. However, the entire human element of the UAVs may be taken out in entirety. UAVs are increasingly equipped with flight control software that operates by itself. Many current UAVs are already auto-controlled for takeoffs and landings. Many Air Force generals believe that the F-35 is probably the last combat aircraft to be manned by a live pilot. Many people additionally believe that the next generation fighter will not have a pilot on board, period 長灘島. But not all people are against the thought--Air Force generals around the world see the possibilities of the unpiloted jet fighter as a way to break the monopoly the U.S. Air Force has had on air supremacy for the last sixty years. American air superiority has largely been the result of superior pilots. But with new technology allowing fighter jets to be controlled by software rather than steady hands and fast thinking, the American Air Force is now forced to confront the possibilities of a new, leveled battleground in the skies against foes that may have equal or better unmanned fighter software. In simulations, fighters flown by software have been more maneuverable as well as more expendable than human 賣屋pilots, among other things. Many generals are convinced that the pilotless fighters will perform just as well in the real skies as in simulations. In addition, they are considering a sixth generation fighter that will not carry a human pilot. Otherwise, enemy pilotless fighters would have an edge over the U.S sixth generation aircraft. American control of the air will be maintained by a new generation of combat aircraft controlled by software, not someone in a cockpit. What are your opinions on the switch from man to machine? http://realmilitarynetwork.com/department/hotspots/future-unmanned-combat-aircrafts.html   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 代償  .

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          管理的領土:有鳥糞的天鵝群島(Swan Islands) st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\00003a*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 飛魚兄提及「天鵝島」是美國取得,又割讓的海外領土,非常有趣,便找了「世界飛地研究會」的資料翻譯,加上查證資料,如下。 有趣的是〈鳥糞島嶼法〉(the Guano Islands Act,(48 U.S.C. ch.8 §§ 1411-1419),特別是首尾兩條條文。 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 〈鳥糞島嶼法〉第1411條 【美國主張之鳥糞地區】:任何美國公民發現在島嶼、礁岩或珊瑚礁有鳥糞礦藏,且並未在任何其他政府合法管轄下,也未被其他政府的公民所先佔(occupied),並和平擁有與佔有者,在美國總統指令下,此等島嶼、礁岩或珊瑚礁將被視為附屬於美國。(雲程譯) table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt; 酒店兼職font-family:"Times New Roman";}Sec. 1411. Guano districts; claim by United States table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}Whenever any citizen of the United States discovers a deposit of guano on any island, rock, or key, not within the l awful jurisdiction of any other government, and not occupied by the citizens of any other government, and takes peaceable possession thereof, and occupies the same, such island, rock, or key may, at the discretion of the President, be considered as appertaining to the United States.st1\00003a*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 〈鳥糞島嶼法〉第1419條 【放棄島嶼的權利】 本章所載的任何內容不得解釋為美國應 訂做禮服保留此鳥糞已開採完畢之島嶼,岩石,或珊瑚礁所有權之義務。」(雲程譯) Sec. 1419. Right to abandon islands Nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed as obliging the United States to retain possession of the islands, rocks, or keys, after the guano shall have been removed from the same. table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 另人驚訝的是:在法案中已經規定「放棄的權利」(Right to abandon islands),先前的(可以開採的)「擁有」算不算是(所有權的)擁有? 總之,領土的移轉,必須有國際法與國內法一絲不苟、明確的法律文件記載與同意 天鵝群島原本是個無人居住的島嶼,傳說是1502年哥倫布首次到達,命名為聖安娜(Islas Santa Ana)的命名,但因沒有淡水而立即離開,此島立即被忘記。1750年「天鵝船長」(可能是海 seo盜)改稱為天鵝群島,並成為猖獗的加勒比海海盜的一個避風港。 首次真正的殖民,是1840年開曼群島(英領)有2人登島,並以島上的木材製作船隻,但被颶風摧毀沈沒。1850年Samuel Parsons再次移居開曼群島並放牧山羊。 但是,1856年8月18日美國通過〈鳥糞島嶼法〉(the Guano Islands Act,(48 U.S.C. ch.8 §§ 1411-1419),即發現無人居住的島嶼並向美國政府申請,美國政府便將此島作為領土,並賦予發現者島嶼利用權的法律)。 1857年4月美國人John Valentine White「發現天鵝島」並通知美國政府,此島成為美國領土,且為懷特所有。3個月後,White先生將天鵝島賣給「大西洋和太平洋鳥糞公司」(大西洋???太平洋???社)。翌年,調查島嶼,確認300多萬噸磷礦(=鳥糞),立即開始挖掘。可惜,Parsons數年後回來檢查放牧山羊狀況,發現該島被公司佔領,山羊被鳥糞礦工烹而食之。因對方有美國法律作為後盾,抗議未果。 其後,天鵝群島幾次轉手, 裝潢1886年賣給「紐約鳥糞公司」,該公司1902年賣給了「Albion化工公司」(?????化??社)。但兩年後該公司破產,此島被遺棄時,阿隆亞當斯(Aaron Adams)船長說「撿到被遺棄的島嶼」而主張所有權。亞當船長斯在島上建立了燈塔和一個廣播電台,自稱為「天鵝群島國王」。但在1906年賣給「天鵝島貿易公司」(the Swan Island Trading Company)。當時,由於磷酸鹽礦石已經枯竭,該公司便種植椰子出售椰乾。1914年,美國政府興建氣象站。 洪都拉斯在1920年代起突然以「由於該島是西班牙的哥倫布首次發現,應該屬於最接近該島的前西班牙領土的洪都拉斯所有」為由,主張天鵝群島的所有權。但缺乏證據的說服力,美國不予理會。 戰爭結束後,島嶼被颶風蹂躪幾乎荒廢,1960年「直布羅陀輪船公司」(Gibraltar Cruises?)予以收購,計劃作為英國貨輪的中繼站,但卻建立「天鵝島廣播電台」(Radio Swan),開始播送西班牙語節目。 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;fo 婚禮佈置nt-family:"Times New Roman";} 古巴政府批評天鵝島廣播電台為「在籠子裡歇斯底里的鸚鵡」,其作用不過是宣傳反卡斯楚政權。在1961年豬玀灣事件(the Bay of Pigs)前傳送「好好調查彩虹」、「魚將上升」等神祕的訊息不斷被朗讀放送,有可能聯絡地下工作人員。 豬玀灣事件失敗後,天鵝電台減少廣播,改以美國廣播電台(Radio Americas,但不知與Radio America有無關係)等其他名稱進行反卡斯楚的廣播。其間,洪都拉斯不放棄宣稱天鵝島的主權,1961年發生洪都拉斯學生登島豎立國旗事件。1971年美國政府承認半世紀前洪都拉斯領有權的主張,發佈將天鵝群島「割讓」(洪都拉斯稱「歸還」)。1972年9月1日條約生效,美國將天鵝群島讓與洪都拉斯。洪都拉斯在10年後的1982年透過修憲程序,以編號 131號法令〈洪都拉斯憲法〉第二章領土,第10條承認並整編此領土,並稱為「天鵝島領地」(territory of Swan) 〈洪都拉斯憲法〉第二章領土第10條:「位於馮西卡灣(the Gulf of Fonseca)領土範圍 買屋網內的土地,內水和島嶼,小島和珊瑚礁,包括海灣群島(the Bay Islands),天鵝群島(天鵝群島也被稱為Santanilla或Santillana),比里亞,希爾和小希爾,Caratasca,Boxes或hobbies,Over False Cape,Cocorocuma,Palo de Campeche,荷蘭鴿島(The Netherlands Pigeons),Media Luna,Gorda 及 Salmedina沙洲,providence,珊瑚島(De Coral),福爾斯角(False Cape),Rosalinda和Serranilla,以及其他位於大西洋等領土在歷史上、地理上與法律上屬於洪都拉斯。」(雲程譯) ARTICLE 10. - The territories located on mainland within their territorial limits, inner waters and the islands, small barren islands and keys in the Gulf of Fonseca that belong to Honduras historically, geographically, and legally, as well as the Bay Islands, las Islas del Cisne (Swan Islands) also named Santanilla, Seal o foca (o Becerro), Caratasca, Cajones o Hobbies, Mayores de Cabo Falso, Cocorocuma, 買屋網 Palo de Campeche, Los Bajos Pichones, Media Luna, Gorda y los Bancos Salmedina, providencia, De Coral, Cabo Falso, Rosalinda y Serranilla, and the others located in the Atlantic that historically, geographically and legally belong to them. ???諸島?????無人島?、最初??見?????????????由緒正??島(?)。1502年???島??????????、Islas Santa Ana(聖???島)???????命名???(※)、淡水??????????立?去?、島?存在????忘????。1750年頃????????? ?(????海賊)????改?????諸島?命名??、???海?跋扈????海賊???家??????。 島?最初?本格的?入植????????、????諸島(現在?????領)??1840年??????2人?、島?生????木?船?作???、??????沈?。1850年??再?????諸島????????????????人?移住?????放牧?始??。 ???1856年?????????法(無人島??見者?????政府???出??、????政府???島?????領土??、島??見者?利用??認?????法律)?可決????、翌年4月???????????????????????人?「???諸島??見??」?????政府???出?? 酒店兼職?、島?????領???、????氏?所有地???????。????氏?3?月後????諸島?大西洋???太平洋???社? ??。翌年改??島?調??????、300万??以上?燐?石(=???)??????判明?、????採掘?始??。哀????????????、?年後?放牧??????子?見?行?????、島??社?占領??、放?飼??????????夫???食?????。抗議?????、相手?????? 法律?盾?取??????泣??入?????。 ??後、???諸島?次??????、1886年????????????社?、1902年???????化??社?購入??。???同社?2年後?倒??????、島?放棄????????、????????????船長?「捨??????島?『拾??』」????所有??主張。????船長?島??台?無線局?建?、「???諸島?王」?自??????、1906年????諸島商業?社?島?????。??頃、???燐?石?????掘??????????、?社????????植??????生???????、1914年??????政府?測候所?建????。 ??????諸島?1920年?突然領有??主張?????????????。「島???????????????最初??見?????、島??一番近? 元????領??????????領土?????」???????言?分??、根??????得力?欠????、?????無視??。 ?後、島???????荒?果??、????放置 澎湖民宿?態????、1960年???????汽船????社????買????。?????船?社?貨物船?中?????作???????、???作??????????????放送局?、????語????番組?流?始??。 ???????????????政府?「???????籠?中????」?評?????、??役割?????人?反????政??宣伝?????????????。1961年??????事件(※)?直前??「上手?虹?調??????」「魚?????上昇??????」??謎???????繰?返??? 上?、工作員向??連絡??使????????。 ※CIA??????亡命??????人????組織化??、軍事訓練?武器?資金?援助?行????????????上陸???事件。???????期待????米軍?支援???、????全滅??失敗?終???。 ?? ???事件?失敗後、????????放送?縮小???、?????????(????????大陸)??別?局名?反????放送?流???????? ?。??間、??????????諸島?領有???念????????、61年??????????生?????上陸?????????旗?立????? 事件?起???(?????事件??????)、71年?????政府?半世紀前??相手?????????????領有主張?認??、???諸島?割?(??????側?言????返還)??表。翌72年?島????????引?渡???。 http://www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad-Lake/2917/zatsu/company2#08 新成屋  .

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          央行總裁任期即將到期,接任是誰?單 st1\00003a*{} .

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          領土處理的「耶路撒冷模式」 v\:* {}o\:* {}w\:* {}.shape {}st1\:*{} .

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          羅伯的錯,歐巴馬重行宣誓 ■CNN(2009.01.22)雲程譯 v\:* {}o\:* {}w\:* {}.shape {}st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 無論彩頭如何,美國人對於「憲法的規定」是很認真的。 細部不注意,往往會影響全局。總統吃螺絲結果沒頭路,真難以想像。 羅伯的錯,歐巴馬重行宣誓 ■CNN(2009.01.22)雲程譯 歐巴馬總統在羅伯大法官(Chief Justice John Roberts)在週二就職時發生錯誤之後,週三重行宣誓。 第二次宣誓,仍舊由羅伯主持,在晚間7:35分舉行。地點是白宮的地圖廳。羅伯詢問歐巴馬是否準備好了。 歐巴馬回答:「我準備好了。我們要很謹慎的來。」 重來一次,主要是針對週二的口誤與混淆,那時候漏掉誓詞中的「忠實地」(faithfully),從而消弭歐巴馬是否是合法就任的總統的疑義。 但是,根據憲法,歐巴馬在週二中午 酒店兼職成為總統卻未宣誓完成。 白宮顧問Greg Craig在週三發表書面聲明:「我們相信宣誓就任很有效力的進行,所以總統在昨天適當的宣誓就任。」 聲明中又說:「但是,誓詞白紙黑字寫在憲法上。而由於疏忽,程序上漏掉了一個字,所以羅伯大法官主持第二次宣誓。」 週二,羅伯在國會山莊階梯上並未準備誓詞的小抄,以背誦6個字的句子作為開始。但歐巴馬在一半時中斷,又重複前3個字。這個突槌讓大法官卡住,使他搞混皆下來句子的文字次序。 憲法的白紙黑字「我謹莊嚴宣誓,我一定忠實執行合眾國總統職務,竭盡全力,恪守、維護和捍衛合眾國憲法。」(I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, 室內裝潢 preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.)應當用於宣誓。 羅伯漏掉「忠實地」,而且有介系詞上的錯誤。這讓總統也吃螺絲,他尷尬一笑暫停以整理其思緒,然後決定跟隨羅伯的帶領。 但大法官同時企圖修正自己的錯誤。 以下是當時的對話: 羅伯:…我一定忠實執行合眾國總統職務…(... that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully ...) 歐巴馬:…我一定…(... that I will execute ...) 羅伯:…總統職…忠實執行總統職…執行合眾國總統職務…(... the off -- faithfully the pres -- the office of president of the United States ...) 歐巴馬(同步):…忠實執行合眾國總統職務…(... the office of president of the United States fai 東森房屋thfully ...)之後這兩人的誓詞是正確的,包括習慣上的「願上帝祝福你;願上帝祝福我!」("So help you God?" "So help me God.") 記者、部落客與許多人很看重此事。紐約郵報以頭版頭報導:「羅伯是總統的豬頭!」(Roberts is the Oaf of Office)。 一位華盛頓郵報的讀者在給編輯的信中批評:「劃時代的一刻,就被 羅伯 先生的輕忽給搞砸。新聞說我們新總統說的第一個字是糊里糊塗的。無論事出於有意,還是無心,羅伯大法官的行為實在可恥!」福斯新聞的主持人Chris Wallace說:「我們不解的是,到底歐巴馬還算不算是美國總統?他們進行的是亂七八糟的宣誓。這會搞到上法院的。」 週二宣誓過後在國會的午餐會上,羅伯與歐巴馬簡短交換了意見,大法官顯然告訴總統:「都是我的錯。」 週三在白宮重行宣誓之前,歐巴馬在沙發上開玩笑說:「我們?關鍵字廣告M定開一下小玩笑…」。 雖然在週二的宣誓中用了聖經,週三的時候並未使用。 在完美無瑕的宣誦誓詞後,羅伯展開笑顏說:「再恭喜一次!」 總統回答:「謝謝您!」在稀疏的掌聲後,歐巴馬自嘲:「 table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}糟糕了,那12場舞會可能又要跟著重來一次。(the bad news for the [press] pool is there's 12 more balls)」【譯註:這句感謝網友herculesc的協助!】 羅伯對週二的「螺絲事件」沒有做公開的發言。 Obama retakes oath of office after Roberts' mistake ■CNN(2009.01.22) WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama retook his oath of office Wednesday after Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed while delivering it at Tuesday's inauguration. The second oath -- also adm 租辦公室inistered by Roberts -- took place at 7:35 p.m. Wednesday in the White House's Map Room. Roberts asked Obama whether he was ready. "I am, and we're going to do it very slowly," Obama replied. The do-over was aimed at dispelling any confusion that might arise from Tuesday's take -- in which "faithfully" was said out of sequence -- and erase any question that Obama is legally the president. However, per the Constitution, Obama became president at noon Tuesday without taking the oath. "We believe that the oath of office was administered effectively and that the president was sworn in appropriately yesterday," White House counsel Greg Craig said Wednesday in a written statement. "But the oath appears in the Constitution i 面膜tself. And out of an abundance of caution, because there was one word out of sequence, Chief Justice Roberts administered the oath a second time," the statement read. Watch Tuesday's oath ? Listen to today's do-over ? On Tuesday, Roberts, apparently working without a copy of the oath handy on the Capitol steps, started out by reciting a six-word phrase, but Obama broke in halfway through and repeated the first three. That seemed to throw the chief justice off stride, and he proceeded to mix up the order of the words in the next phrase. The Constitution sets out the language that should be used in the oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the b 房屋買賣est of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Roberts moved the word "faithfully" back nine spots, and used "to" instead of "of." That threw the president off base, and he smiled and paused to collect his thoughts, then decided to follow Roberts' lead. But the chief justice at the same time attempted to correct himself. Here's how Tuesday's oath went: Roberts: ... that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully ... Obama: ... that I will execute ... Roberts: ... the off -- faithfully the pres -- the office of president of the United States ... Obama (at the same time): ... the office of president of the United States faithfully ... The two got the rest correct, including the nonobligat 面膜ory "So help you God?" "So help me God." Reporters, bloggers and others weighed in on the flub. The New York Post offered this headline: "Roberts is the Oaf of Office." A Washington Post reader complained in a letter to the editor: "What could have been a moment for the ages was marred by Mr. Roberts' thoughtlessness. News outlets will report that the first words of our new president were "confused." Whether through design or an amazing lack of preparation, Justice Roberts's behavior was a disgrace." And Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said: "We're wondering here whether or not Barack Obama in fact is the president of the United States . They had a kind of garbled oath. It's just conceivable that this will end up going to the courts." In a congressional luncheon after Tuesday's sw 售屋網ear-in, Roberts and Obama exchanged words, and the chief justice appeared to tell the president, "It was my fault." Before Wednesday's do-over at the White House, Obama, waiting on a couch, joked that "we decided it was so much fun ... " Though a Bible was used in Tuesday's oath, one was not used for Wednesday's. After a flawless recitation, Roberts smiled and said, "Congratulations again." "Thank you, sir," the president replied. After a smattering of applause, Obama quipped that "the bad news for the [press] pool is there's 12 more balls." Roberts has made no public comment on becoming tongue-tied Tuesday. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/21/obama.oath/index.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣屋  .

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